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Science and Technology

Brown establishes new research partnership with NIST

The National Institute of Standards and Technology will provide funding for Brown researchers working in the physical sciences to collaborate with NIST researchers and access NIST’s specialized labs.
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Science and Technology

Research reveals molecular details of sperm-egg fusion

By revealing the structure of proteins that enable sperm and egg to fuse to form zygotes in plant and protozoan species, the new study may aid in discovering the fusion process for humans, which remains a mystery.
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In support of Harvard University’s admissions case, Brown and 15 other colleges and universities argued in a July 30 amicus brief that the federal courts should affirm the ability to consider race in admissions.
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A new Brown-UMass collaboration leverages cultural and language expertise to help biomedical researchers work productively with the Deaf community and address low levels of health literacy.
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Science and Technology

Azeeza Hasan: Democratizing the stock market

At NASDAQ’s Global Technology Center, the rising Brown junior and applied mathematics concentrator is working with nine other students to create streamlined, smarter online marketplaces.
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Michael Fuller, a rising senior, is one among a handful of Brown students interning for nonprofit organizations in Oklahoma this summer as part of the Brown in Tulsa Kaiser Fellowship Program.
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Science and Technology

Sarah Bawabe: Untangling the fabric of the universe

Using pencil, paper and computer, rising sophomore Sarah Bawabe is spending the summer working side-by-side with Professor S. James Gates Jr. on some of the biggest questions in theoretical physics.
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University President Christina Paxson said the Supreme Court's decision to uphold travel restrictions will impact the ability for international students and scholars to come to American universities to contribute to research, discovery and innovation.
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New research comparing the health outcomes of Medicare patients recovering from hip fractures in nursing homes found that those who received more efficient care fared slightly better.
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Spanning four centuries, five continents and many languages, the Dr. Steven Ungerleider Collection of Haggadot will enable new insights into the experiences and customs of Jewish communities across the globe.
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Though many Brown students and faculty depart for experiences around the globe, thousands of scholars and students come to College Hill for courses and activities during the warmer months, keeping campus lively.
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