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Three graduate students in archaeology worked with the Historic Cemetery Advisory Commission in Newport, Rhode Island, to create an interactive map of God’s Little Acre, one of the oldest African and African American burial grounds in the country.
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This spring, events presented by the Brown Arts Initiative and other campus arts entities give students and curious community members the chance to see how creators in every field execute their ideas.
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The film series, led by the Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs and by family, friends and classmates of the late Brown alumnus, aims to underscore the importance of documentaries in understanding and confronting challenging social issues.
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Postdoctoral researcher Rui Gomes Coelho plans to excavate a trail once trod by WW-II refugees — now a migration route for thousands who are fleeing war and poverty in the Middle East, Central Asia and Africa.
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On the 400th anniversary of the start of slave trade in the British American colonies, students and faculty at Brown’s Center for the Study of Slavery and Justice are engaging in research for a PBS miniseries directed by renowned documentarian Stanley Nelson, hosting a two-day symposium on the lasting effects of slavery and more.
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“Luscious: Paintings and Drawings by Wendy Edwards,” an exhibition of selected works by the Brown professor of visual art, offers an artistic chronicle of 40 years of travel, life changes and perspective shifts.
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Arts and Humanities

Highlighting Brown’s distinction in the arts

The University is advancing its reputation for excellence in the arts by forming new partnerships with artists and scholars and making major new investments in programming and facilities.
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A new Brown-UMass collaboration leverages cultural and language expertise to help biomedical researchers work productively with the Deaf community and address low levels of health literacy.
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Spanning four centuries, five continents and many languages, the Dr. Steven Ungerleider Collection of Haggadot will enable new insights into the experiences and customs of Jewish communities across the globe.
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