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Health and Medicine

Ashish Jha: Moving the needle on public health

Ashish K. Jha, dean of the School of Public Health, unravels the pandemic’s most teachable moments and how to apply them to the way public health research is conducted at Brown and beyond.
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Brown, Lifespan and Care New England leaders joined U.S. Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse and other experts in a virtual discussion on the potential for an integrated system to provide world-class care for the people of Rhode Island.
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The Bubbler, a breathalyzer device that reverse-transcribes RNA from airborne SARS-CoV-2 in breath, predicts lower respiratory tract involvement and is less invasive than alternative testing approaches, researchers say.
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New research reveals the cellular mechanism behind why the elderly, as well as those with certain overlapping diseases, are at risk of infection and death from the virus — and how this mechanism can potentially be used to protect them.
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