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Using seismic waves, scientists detect widespread partially molten rock hidden under the Earth’s tectonic plates in a new way, a step in settling a long-held geological debate that has big implications in understanding plate motion.
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A study by Brown researchers finds that changes in tectonic plate thickness across the Denali Fault in Alaska impacts where it is located, shedding light on how major faults and earthquakes occur.
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Science and Technology

Passages: Professor of Physics Meenakshi Narain

A renowned physicist who collaborated with researchers globally and mentored young scientists exploring physics careers, Narain spent 15 years on the Brown faculty and was the first woman to chair the physics department.
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Science and Technology

NASA’s InSight hears its first meteoroid impacts on Mars

The Mars lander’s seismometer picked up vibrations and sounds from four impacts in the past two years, a development detailed in a study co-authored by Brown planetary scientist Ingrid Daubar.
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Science and Technology

Allen Dufort: Coding a cutting-edge space telescope

As a software engineer intern, Allen Dufort is supporting a Brown physicist’s NASA-funded project to help build a telescope that will enable the study of distant planets.
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In a culmination of her Brown biology education, the rising senior is studying the biodiversity of marine life in the Galápagos Islands for the effects of decreased human presence due to the pandemic.
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Science and Technology

Brain practices new tasks while people sleep, study finds

A new study associated with the BrainGate consortium offered significant clues about how humans learn and form long-term memories; the findings could provide insights for developers of assistive tools for people with paralysis.
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By merging themes in dance and computer science, the course Choreorobotics 0101 is teaching the next generation of engineers how to create technology that minimizes harm and makes a positive impact on society.
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Science and Technology

Robotic swimmer sheds light on microorganisms in motion

A self-propelled robotic swimmer, developed by Brown University students and faculty, could help researchers better understand the complex swimming behaviors of bacteria and other microorganisms.
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Science and Technology

From the Lab: Kavita Ramanan puts randomness to work

A professor of applied mathematics at Brown, Ramanan uses randomness as a tool to make precise predictions about complex systems ranging from statistical physics to communication networks.
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Science and Technology

Brown physics faculty member earns 2022 Sloan Fellowship

Andrey Gromov, an assistant professor of physics, has been awarded a prestigious Sloan Fellowship for his research into exotic quantum states of matter that could enable quantum computing technology.
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A tunable, atomically thin materials platform may help researchers figure out how to create a robust quantum condensate that can flow without dissipation of energy — potentially paving the way for ultra-efficient lossless electronic devices.
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A new study reveals how the diminutive Moon could have been an occasional magnetic powerhouse early in its history, a question that has confounded researchers since NASA’s Apollo program began returning lunar samples in 1969.
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