The student-founded, alumni-funded venture capital group based at the Nelson Center for Entrepreneurship gives students firsthand experience making investments in Brown- and RISD-affiliated startups.
At Brown, first-year student Chance Emerson finds opportunity to explore wide-ranging academic interests and pursue musical collaborations while perfecting his first full-length album, “The Raspberry Men.”
Students in an immersive American studies course offered during Brown's Wintersession witnessed firsthand the complex cultural dynamics at the U.S-Mexico border.
For the last half century, the Third World Transition Program has welcomed incoming first-years for four days of workshops and community-building exercises that center the student of color experience.
As envisioned, the state-of-the-art center will provide teams with a central space for training, practice and competition — amplifying the student-athlete experience and advancing teams’ ability to succeed at the highest level.