Launched publicly in 2015, BrownTogether transformed Brown through a decade of unprecedented support that advanced excellence in teaching and research, financial aid, community impact and more.
In a major step toward expanded research and teaching, the new school will extend Brown’s commitment to advancing knowledge and preparing the next generation of global policymakers and leaders.
President Christina H. Paxson wrote to the campus community about priorities for raising funds for research, teaching and student support before the campaign’s culmination in December 2024.
After 10 years at Brown and seven as the University’s 13th provost, Locke will begin a new role as dean and vice president of Apple University next month.
Appointed Brown’s 19th president in 2012, Christina H. Paxson has guided the University through major accomplishments and national moments of challenge, and she looks forward to achieving more in the years to come.
The accomplished dean and professor of engineering, who has led the school since its inception in 2011 and oversaw a decade of growth, will return to teaching and research after the 2021-22 academic year.
A new strategic plan for sustainability outlines five key commitments to address Brown’s impact on the natural environment, while calling for an expansion of education and community engagement around sustainability issues.
The latest major investment in Brown’s cutting-edge brain science research, the generous gift will support computational brain science and endow a program to promote innovative research.