Launched publicly in 2015, BrownTogether transformed Brown through a decade of unprecedented support that advanced excellence in teaching and research, financial aid, community impact and more.
A breathtaking renovation has transformed the historic building, which housed Brown’s Health Services for eight decades, into a modern, collaborative and flexible space to advance humanities scholarship.
As Brown’s Cogut Institute for the Humanities prepares to move into Andrews House, the institute engaged two undergraduates in a semester-long research internship to explore the building’s history and significance.
Brown community members offer expertise and insights into a wide array of subjects, from climate change and international economies to pop culture and religion, through more than two dozen podcasts.
In a virtual conversation at Brown, Isabel Wilkerson, author of “Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents,” called on Americans to “defend true democracy” by resisting the divisions of the nation’s centuries-old social hierarchy.