101 Results based on your selections.
Science and Technology

Brain practices new tasks while people sleep, study finds

A new study associated with the BrainGate consortium offered significant clues about how humans learn and form long-term memories; the findings could provide insights for developers of assistive tools for people with paralysis.
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Science and Technology

Robotic swimmer sheds light on microorganisms in motion

A self-propelled robotic swimmer, developed by Brown University students and faculty, could help researchers better understand the complex swimming behaviors of bacteria and other microorganisms.
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Science and Technology

Nathan Brown: Toward a better, more versatile wheelchair

With the help of a Royce Fellowship from the Swearer Center, Nathan Brown is developing a wheelchair design with the aim of increasing mobility for users on both indoor and outdoor terrain.
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A new infectious disease model that accounts for people’s ‘level of caution’ or ‘sense of safety’ accurately captures surges and declines in COVID-19 cases since March 2020 — and could help predict how the pandemic will eventually end.
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Science and Technology

NASA to launch new Brown student satellite

NASA has agreed to provide space on a future rocket launch for a new satellite designed and built by Brown University students to test the performance of next-generation solar cells in space.
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Science and Technology

New AI technique could help doctors predict aneurysm rupture

A new study shows that an artificial intelligence system informed with the physical laws governing flowing fluids can infer pressures and stresses on capillaries just by analyzing images or videos of blood flow.
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Novel coronavirus and its effect on University science laboratories has kept engineering student Portia Tieze from working on campus this summer — so she brought the lab to her apartment to continue her research.
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Science and Technology

Researchers report progress on molecular data storage system

A Brown University team has shown that they can store and retrieve more than 200 kilobytes of digital image files by encoding the data in mixtures of new custom libraries of small molecules.
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Taking a cue from birds and insects, Brown University researchers have come up with a new wing design for small drones that helps them fly more efficiently and makes them more robust to atmospheric turbulence.
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