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A crowd near the flagpole on the College Green processed to the tune of bagpipes and patriotic salutes as Brown’s annual ceremony to honor service members stepped off on Friday, Nov. 11.
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Health and Medicine

Treating cholera in Haiti after Hurricane Matthew

In a pair of tents on the grounds of a health center in a tiny town, Dr. Adam Levine is managing a cholera treatment unit where the staff still sees 10 to 15 new cases a day, more than a month after Hurricane Matthew.
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With support from a Class of 1971 graduate and his wife, the department will pursue improvements in support of its scholarship on Jewish history, literature, language, politics and religions.
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Starting with a new three-year, $2.7 million award to help implement antimicrobial stewardship in nursing homes, a University-led team will perform research and implementation projects for the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention aimed at reducing infections.
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In Academic Medicine, two Alpert Medical School professors have examined new data suggesting that the number of student applications for residency programs has gotten out of hand, creating a problem that needs to be solved.
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A new research review chronicling the history and current state of medical education in China finds that the country’s quest to build up a medical education system to serve its massive population has produced a rapid, if uneven, result.
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News and Events

Video: Brown's creepiest concert

Brown organist Mark Steinbach offers a glimpse of the University's traditional midnight Halloween event — a celebration of spooky songs old and new delivered on the world's oldest Hutchings-Votey pipe organ.
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Science and Technology

Brown launches new Data Science Initiative

The initiative, which includes a new master’s program, will bolster research that integrates data in new scholarly contexts and prepare students to be leaders in a data-enabled society.
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With families traveling to the University from across the globe, Brown President Christina Paxson urged them to embrace the distinctive Brown experience where students engage in the “daring adventure” of learning.
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News and Events

Families journey to Brown from across the globe

En route to campus to celebrate the University’s Family Weekend, six family members give their take on the annual fall tradition and what Brown means to them.
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Social Sciences

A broader view of celebrated urbanist Jane Jacobs

Brown researchers gather uncollected writings, speeches and interviews to create a more comprehensive portrait of the writer who changed how we think about cities.
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With the Humanitarian Innovation Initiative at the University’s Watson Institute, Dr. Adam Levine and colleagues hope to improve the effectiveness and accountability of disaster preparedness, humanitarian response and post-emergency reconstruction through scholarship.
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Health and Medicine

Grant funds big-data study of brain connectivity

With more than $1.2 million over three years to study how complex brain networks process information, Brown has earned its second grant this fall from the federal BRAIN Initiative and shares significantly in a third.
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Journalist and historian argues that context informs how we understand and act upon values, which can create conflict — and urged the audience to engage in difficult conversations under circumstances that fall short of democracy's ideals in order to reach the ultimate goal of democracy.
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News and Events

Photos: Indigenous People’s Day at Brown

In an event organized by Native Americans at Brown, members of the University community and beyond joined on Monday afternoon to celebrate the inaugural Indigenous People’s Day at Brown.
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Health and Medicine

Infants use prefrontal cortex in learning

A group of 8-month-olds has provided evidence that, contrary to conventional wisdom, the prefrontal cortex contributes to learning during infancy.
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