2850 Results based on your selections.
Volunteers in a brain science experiment learned associations between patterns and color such that when shown the patterns later, they were still biased to perceive the color even if it wasn’t really there.
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Full of practical, graphical guides for the general public and up-to-the-minute epidemiological data for healthcare providers and policymakers, a new website aims to use information to prevent overdose deaths
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A large Brown University study finds patients who exhibited delirium at the time they entered a nursing home were significantly more likely to die or return to the hospital within 30 days and were less likely to recover fully if they returned home.
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News and Events

Spending the summer at Brown

The University’s many pre-college programs will bring more than 5,300 students to campus this summer.
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Peter Asimov and Emily Kassie, members of the Class of 2014, were awarded prestigious Gates Cambridge Scholarships to continue their studies in the fall at the University of Cambridge.
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Arts and Humanities

The Granoff Center at Five

Born out of a unique coalition of supporters and Brown’s singular ethos, the Perry and Marty Granoff Center for the Creative Arts is a force for new work and collaboration across disciplines.
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Science and Technology

Technique could help climate models sweat the small stuff

Research led by a Brown University physicist reveals a way to include small-scale dynamics into computer simulations of large-scale phenomena, which could make for better climate models and astrophysical simulations.
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Science and Technology

Software turns webcams into eye-trackers

Developed by computer scientists at Brown, the new software could help web developers to optimize content and make websites more user-friendly.
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Brown University will launch a Center for Biomedical Research Excellence in Computational Biology of Human Disease to expand its research using sophisticated computer analyses to understand and fight human diseases.
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News and Events

Brown awards eight honorary doctorates

At the 248th Commencement ceremony today, Brown University President Christina Paxson conferred honorary doctorates on eight candidates who have achieved great distinction in their fields.
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Sabrina Imbler, one of two graduating seniors chosen as orators for the 248th Commencement, delivered an address titled “How Do We Want to Become?" on the College Green on Sunday, May 29.
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News and Events

Jamelle Watson-Daniels: "Storytelling"

Jamelle Watson-Daniels, one of two graduating seniors chosen as orators for the 248th Commencement, delivered an address titled “Storytelling” on the College Green on Sunday, May 29.
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Kevin Gover, director of the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of the American Indian, delivered Brown's 2016 Baccalaureate address and will receive an honorary degree at Commencement.
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Science and Technology

Study finds that protein puts the brakes on melanin

Skin, eye and hair pigmentation requires a delicate balance of acidity within the cellular compartments where melanin is made – that balance is partly regulated, scientists now know, by a protein called TPC2.
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Wilson Cusack, a senior computer science concentrator, developed a text-message-based trading platform that helps connect farmers and buyers. With a grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, he’ll pilot the project in the West African nation of Ghana.
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