587 Results based on your selections.
Health and Medicine

Treating cholera in Haiti after Hurricane Matthew

In a pair of tents on the grounds of a health center in a tiny town, Dr. Adam Levine is managing a cholera treatment unit where the staff still sees 10 to 15 new cases a day, more than a month after Hurricane Matthew.
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Starting with a new three-year, $2.7 million award to help implement antimicrobial stewardship in nursing homes, a University-led team will perform research and implementation projects for the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention aimed at reducing infections.
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In Academic Medicine, two Alpert Medical School professors have examined new data suggesting that the number of student applications for residency programs has gotten out of hand, creating a problem that needs to be solved.
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A new research review chronicling the history and current state of medical education in China finds that the country’s quest to build up a medical education system to serve its massive population has produced a rapid, if uneven, result.
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Health and Medicine

Grant funds big-data study of brain connectivity

With more than $1.2 million over three years to study how complex brain networks process information, Brown has earned its second grant this fall from the federal BRAIN Initiative and shares significantly in a third.
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Health and Medicine

Infants use prefrontal cortex in learning

A group of 8-month-olds has provided evidence that, contrary to conventional wisdom, the prefrontal cortex contributes to learning during infancy.
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Health and Medicine

Formaldehyde damages proteins, not just DNA

Formaldehyde, a common toxicant and carcinogen recently subjected to new federal regulations, may be more dangerous than previously thought, a new study suggests.
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Health and Medicine

New NIH grants support child health research

Several Brown University faculty members are key participants in three projects investigating how early life and environmental exposures affect children.
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Health and Medicine

$2M grant to study simultaneous marijuana, alcohol use

Next year at colleges in three states with different marijuana use laws, a team of public health researchers will study why students often use marijuana and alcohol simultaneously.
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The first study of how specialist palliative care consults affect nursing home end-of-life care suggests that they are associated with much less hospitalization and fewer burdensome transitions, at no extra cost to Medicare.
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Health and Medicine

Protein may be crucial in many lung ailments

New research in Nature Communications implicates the protein TMEM219 in a pathway that appears to be important in pulmonary fibrosis, asthma and cancer spread in the lung.
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In the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, a team of scientists shows how mutations in the gene GPT2 lead to a rare developmental and potentially degenerative brain disease.
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Health and Medicine

Brain scientists share in grant to study attention

Three Brown University faculty members have teamed up with colleagues at three other universities on a $6 million grant to study the neuroscience of attention.
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In an editorial in JAMA, two experts including Brown University dermatologist Dr. Martin Weinstock question a USPSTF determination that there isn't enough evidence to recommend that clinicians visual screen for skin cancer, such as melanoma.
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Health and Medicine

New theory explains how beta waves arise in the brain

In the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, a team led by Brown University neuroscientists proposes a new theory — backed by data from people, animal models and computational simulation — to explain how beta waves emerge in the brain.
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In a new paper, two scholars — one medical, one legal — propose a set of practical guidelines to prevent the bitter arguments over frozen embryos that have confounded U.S. courts.
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After researchers spent years developing an artificial intelligence technology to monitor lab animal behavior, a team of recently graduated entrepreneurs is investigating its commercial potential.
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Volunteers in a brain science experiment learned associations between patterns and color such that when shown the patterns later, they were still biased to perceive the color even if it wasn’t really there.
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Full of practical, graphical guides for the general public and up-to-the-minute epidemiological data for healthcare providers and policymakers, a new website aims to use information to prevent overdose deaths
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A large Brown University study finds patients who exhibited delirium at the time they entered a nursing home were significantly more likely to die or return to the hospital within 30 days and were less likely to recover fully if they returned home.
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