619 Results based on your selections.
In an innovation that may ultimately help to prevent deadly bloodstream infections, a team of biomedical engineers and infectious disease specialists at Brown University developed a coating to keep intravascular catheters from becoming a haven for harmful bacteria.
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Meltwater from Greenland’s ice sheet is a leading contributor to global sea level rise, and a Brown University study shows that an underappreciated factor — the position of the snowline on the ice sheet — plays a key role in setting the pace of melting.
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In a finding that has implications for how scientists calculate natural greenhouse gas emissions, a new study finds that water levels in small lakes across northern Canada and Alaska vary during the summer much more than was assumed.
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Science and Technology

Research details sticky situations at the nanoscale

In a finding that will be useful in nanoscale engineering, Brown University researchers have shown that miniscule differences in the roughness of surfaces can have important effects on how they stick together.
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Science and Technology

HIV drug could treat Alzheimer’s, age-associated disorders

Research led by Brown found that blocking retrotransposon activity with a generic HIV/AIDS medication significantly reduces age-related inflammation in old mice and senescent human cells, providing hope for treating age-associated disorders.
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Chris Horvat, a postdoctoral scholar whose regular research on polar ice floes is temporarily derailed by the government shutdown, is using a strange ice disk (and internet sensation) as a research analog for sea ice.
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