619 Results based on your selections.
Science and Technology

New technique builds super-hard metals from nanoparticles

Brown University researchers have shown a way to make bulk metals by smashing tiny metal nanoparticles together, which allows for customized grain structures and improved mechanical and other properties.
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After decades of narrowing gaps in health between infants born to the most and least advantaged American mothers, infant health inequality is increasing, portending a rise in health and social inequity that could last for decades.
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Science and Technology

NASA moves forward with water-seeking Moon mission

Two Brown University alumnae and a Brown professor will lead a small satellite mission to further investigate water on the surface of the Moon, which was first detected by Brown scientists in 2009.
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In the first-ever clinical trial of fourth-generation electronic cigarettes, researchers found that adults who switched to e-cigarettes had lower levels of a major carcinogen compared to smokers who continued using combustible cigarettes.
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The mineral olivine, thought to be a major component inside all planetary bodies, holds secrets about the early formation of the solar system, and a team of Brown University researchers has a new way to study it remotely.
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News and Events

Brown professor wins prestigious Fulbright award

Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and Assistant Provost for Sustainability Stephen Porder will study and teach in Paris next year as a De Tocqueville Distinguished Chair.
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Given higher sea levels and softer soil in the wake of a shifting climate, Sesarma crabs, which have already decimated salt marshes in the Northeast, are now rising to prominence in southeastern marshes, a new study finds.
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