619 Results based on your selections.
Researchers at Brown and Harvard found that Massachusetts children of all racial and economic backgrounds are more likely than ever before to enroll in college — but wealthy, white students are still far more likely to receive a college degree.
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A research team has predicted the presence of “topologically protected” electromagnetic waves that propagate on the surface of plasmas, which may help in designing new plasma systems like fusion reactors.
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Science and Technology

Research reveals possibly active tectonic system on the Moon

Strange spots scattered across the Moon’s nearside where bedrock is conspicuously exposed are evidence of seismic activity set in motion 4.3 billion years ago that could be ongoing today, the researchers say.
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Researchers including computer science professor Anna Lysyanskaya are working on a way to use cell phones to track people who may have been exposed to coronavirus — without revealing any personal information.
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A new study estimating the size of the Samoan population using contemporary genomic data found that the founding population remained low for the first 1,500 years of human settlement, contributing to understanding the evolutionary context of the recent rise in obesity and related diseases.
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Each year, the Research Achievement Awards recognize the research and scholarship of both longtime and early-career faculty members from a wide array of academic disciplines.
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Science and Technology

Machine learning improves non-destructive materials testing

A new algorithm that vastly reduces the error rates involved in testing the mechanical properties of materials could be particularly useful on evaluating modern 3D printed materials.
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Researchers have been searching for Sak Tz’i’, an important city from the ancient Maya civilization, since 1994; thanks in part to Brown anthropologists, they now have physical evidence that it existed.
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Three graduate students in archaeology worked with the Historic Cemetery Advisory Commission in Newport, Rhode Island, to create an interactive map of God’s Little Acre, one of the oldest African and African American burial grounds in the country.
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A study provides new details about the collective motion of individual agents in a liquid-crystal-like system, which could help in better understanding bacterial colonies, structures and systems in the human body, and other forms of active matter.
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